Thursday, October 27, 2005

And I WILL be signing autographs in Case Center.

Yes yes my adoring fans and subscribers to the Skidmore Scope, that is yours truly in a full page picture buying books. And no, I didn't buy those books, and yes in fact I did steal some of them. I only took the 2 I needed most and left the rest at the desk and said, "I'll be back when I have money."

Wow, right now my washing machine is rocking back and forth so hard I think it's going to pull itself from the wall. It's banging so loud I can't hear any of the music coming from the next room. This merits investigation.

Upon taking one step into the kitchen...the washing machine stopped moving at all. One step. Almost as if...on cue...

Sniff. Sniff. I smell a conspiracy. I'm going to unplug the refrigerator now.

I have my meeting with my Probation Officer tomorrow. She sounds kind of like a hard ass. Rob on the other hand is teaching his probation officer how to play guitar. God dammit. Oh Christine M. Pusateri, I wish that you are a wonderful person who feels compelled to take pity on me. Or that you're really bitter and grizzled and you don't want to deal with me at all. Either one of those two things would be wonderful. As long as you call me a kid in a way that doesn't imply that I should be punished more than I already have been.

Bokay, now I have to write Pat Oles and email. Well Pat, so we meet again on the field of batter.

mm. pancakes.


Lena Webb said...

Jamsquad-- it's on. Let's pull this shit out of the ground and starve it together as if it were some kind of plant.

I'm on the last sane edge of my Ambien sunset, but I hear you. Loud and clear-- auction is a definite thing, you'd enjoy it and LUCAS would go nuts.

Russ needs a machette, pronto. He just gives me hugs and calls me "chief" to make it all better. I like totally can't believe I'm "THAT GIRL" at the CDC. Ohmygod.

And don't think I'm not fully aware of what you're doing to Brendon's blog's comments. You're so easy to see thought you might as well be transparent! HA.

Accidentally Disastrous said...

whoah. what are you doing my blog comments?
also, i might have a template for you james, with your own pretty header that i made and everything. do you want it?

Mackenzie said...

Jame, take the template because I hate the one you have. I hate black blogs. It's just a thing I have.

Brendon, I want a template too, also, as well.

Lena Webb said...

My mom sent me the picture from the scope with "It's Jamie!" written on top. Honestly, like she'd even know who you ARE if it weren't for me. Sheesh-- Moms.

How did they get that awesome effect of you in a fixed postition while all other dimensions roar past you like several google femto-sized bats out of "Hell?"