Monday, October 03, 2005

I gave a bunch of head to a guy named T-Bone.

Ah. The internet has returned. The sweet smell of procrastination and unproductivity mixed with BO as I sit in front of my computer without showering. In the time since my internet has left me, I have been up and I have been DOWN. Oh sweet blogger audience, let me recount to you the past month of my life.

I moved out, moved in, missed a cable appt, auditioned for a show, went to jail, auditioned for a movie, went to rehearsal, did improv and cooked a lovely dinner of chicken marsala and roasted asparagus.


one of these things is not like the others.

Everything is ok. I have to do my homework now. My return to blogging is really mundane, but I just don't have time.

Kemosabe Out.


MertMengelmier said...
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Accidentally Disastrous said...

well, somebody's gotta get the ball rollin'

Lena Webb said...

Brendon, No. Our tiny little oasis under the blogging sun has been usurped by... A MORE RECENT POST.

It's very noble of you to try and pick up the ball and send it rolling again in the style of post #9's co-author, but as we learned there is really only one direction for a rolling ball to go-- rapidly downhill.

We, over at post #9, are a broken people.