Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm crazy...crazy for feelin'...so oh shit I gotta go to work

oh shit i gotta go to work!


Mackenzie said...
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Mackenzie said...

This is not one of your stronger posts. I live with you and I'm still talking to you through the computer. That kind of makes me feel like a freak. Are you excited for our all night road trip? Woo! Spring Break!

Mackenzie said...

jame...check out my hot or not rating. (http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=EQAEAZG&key=VSB)

I have a freaking pancake on my face and I'm still higher than you. it just goes to show you that boobs instantly make a person attractive. maybe you should invest...

Accidentally Disastrous said...

Hey, is the title of this post part of love song to me?

Lena Webb said...

Jamie, are you okay? Jamie are you okay? Are you okay, Jamie?

Barn found my phone, all is well and good.

Did you get all that shit in your car? Did Jay give you back your-- I mean MACKENZIE'S-- Powerbook? Did he ever call you at the shrimp shack? Did I mention that I HATE landlords??

Sam got into my e-mail and read a mean e-mail I wrote to Mackenzie and now hates me. I'll tell you that story some time-- it's a good one. I guess we're not friends anymore, though.

I hope you're all ready for school!

Mackenzie said...

if I were in senate, I would be knocking on the desk after every one of carter's posts.

Lena Webb said...

Hear hear, Sen. Kenz (D)Massachusetts!

Boy, the word "Massachusetts" can really shake up ones spelling confidence. Yessir.

Now c'mon, Peterson! Climb back on that rotting horse you call your blog and make it canter!

Accidentally Disastrous said...

i made a link from to your blog from my blog. i called it "pretty boy blog" cause i think yer pretty. *wink*

Lena Webb said...

Come on guys! I bet if we try not very hard at all, we could turn this comment page into a better blog than the blog we're commenting on! We've already got 12 posts!

And Brendon, thanks for linking my blog to your blog as well. I think this act should henceforth be known as a "blog job" to us blog-savvy folk. I'll return the favor because it feels SO good!

Mackenzie said...

Have you noticed the website of this particular blog? Catchingflak? I think it was born for us to post comments giving (throwing?) Jamie some flak. Flak's a funny word...is that really how you spell it? Jamspoon, look it up. Carter, get Jame back on track. And you, Bren Bren, you have the most important job of all. Are you ready? You have to figure out who deleted the first comment. That person got this ball rolling! I'll just keep checking in and handing out jobs.

P.S. Hi Jame.

Lena Webb said...

Affirmative, Smack. The word is indeed "flak."

Jamspoon out!

Lena Webb said...

Vitriol! Excoriation! Asperity! Vituperation!

Also, Kenz said "handing out jobs." Heee heee heee HEE!

Mackenzie said...

hahaha! handing out jobs...that's great.

Lena Webb said...

HAHAHAHA! Only the Blog Spammers like Jamies blog!

Mackenzie said...

Lena, I miss you. Should we just write to each other on the comments page of this blog? It'll be our "secret" posting place. I can't believe someone actually thought this blog was cool...probably because of how many comments there are on it. I'm going to a KEGGER tomorrow night! Wooo! Party!

P.S. Ph to the il won't be there so I'm in the clear.

Lena Webb said...

I also miss you, too. I also think this is one of the funniest places on the internet. I laugh every time I see this page-- but that's certainly not because of anything JAMIE'S doing. In fact, if he knows what's good for him, he'll never post again!

There are construction people battering the other side of my wall and I think I will go have a cigarette on the porch in order to better observe them.

Don't throw up in the bushes like the crazy girl at Cold Spring Harbor Labs at your KEGGER!!

Mackenzie said...

I was harrassed when I was walking to school this morning. It was kind of embarrassing. These men started yelling to me from the roof of the building across the street...in spanish or some other incomprehendable language...like asshole language. Can we have more websites that we write to each other on? Cause we have this and facebook and webmail...I think I need another website that I check every 10 minutes...

Lena Webb said...

Those dirty Spaniards! I don't even know how to spell that! I will dishonor their culture by NOT looking up the correct way!

I woke up this morning and realized I miss our pancakes, so I put the pictures of us with our pancakes on my fridge! I also realized that I bought BISQUICK pancake mix, so I can put a pancake on my face any old time that I want!

Mackenzie said...

pancakes pancakes bakers man...bake me a pancake as fast as you can. guess what I have! some motherfucking colonies on two of my plates! the one with novablue and the test plasmid. so I parafilmed them and wrapped them in Al foil and stuck em in the fridge.

Lena Webb said...

Congratulations! You've got colony growth! Why the tinfoil? Is it because of the cytochrome? I've never wrapped my transformations in tinfoil, so I'm curious.

I'm trying to make light fixture for the naked bulb on my kitchen ceiling out of cardboard, glue, and tissue paper. I'm pretty convinced that the glue is going to melt and the whole thing is going to collapse when the light is on for any amount of time... We'll see though.

Mackenzie said...

Careful you...what if the light gets hot and catches the cardboard on fire?

I wrap it in aluminum foil because my antibiotic is photosensitive. Now I'm making glycerol stocks...which (as I'm sure you know) means that I have to let my colonies grow in the media for like 7 hours! Then I have to spin them down and add glycerol and put em in the freezer. So I'm gonna be here late tonight...before I drive to Sara-freakin-toga tomorrow. Ugh.

Lena Webb said...

I dropped a wine glass this morning and thought of you.

Now I'm going to have a pancake for breakfast and think of you some more!

I miss you!

Lena Webb said...


Unacceptable. Thoroughly unacceptable.

Mackenzie said...

he's writing again????

oh my.

Lena Webb said...

The thrill is gone...


Mackenzie said...

yeah no kidding...

I feel empty writing to you here.

like maybe someone else is reading it...

I have office hours. like now. I just saw that cute boy I told you about in the elevator. he's not actually that cute anymore. damn.

say hi to ibardo for me. imbardo?

Lena Webb said...

UMBERTO, Mackenzie. And don't you forget it.

And if he finds his way here somehow, he deserves to see that he is still referred to as "UMBERTO."

Office hours are hot. These are the hours in which you have sex with younger people and write the time down on a payroll sheet.

Kissyluv and from-froms. Like pom-poms but made of flowers and feathers.

Mackenzie said...

I totally had sex with my student the other day...on the big huge desk in the weird annex-type room. I'm glad to hear that's what office hours are for. Although, it makes me sad to hear that I missed so many good romps when I was an undergrad...

Lena Webb said...

I love nests!

Mackenzie said...

our home is beginning to disintegrate lena! we have to return full force, post haste!

I have to take an exam on a saturday? boo...

Lena Webb said...

You genius!

Hot fuss
Oat nut
Knit cap
Quint street
Lip balm


There. With another SWP, we return anew.

Mackenzie said...

tin can. we can make anything sound cute because we're cute too...