Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Givin' The Peeps What They Want. Shrimpa-limp Shacky.

I work in 2 hours. I work 15 minutes away in nearby BALLSton Spa. There, I make shrimp. I put sauces into small containers with lids called...wait for it....liddles. Tartar, Cocktail, Chili, Honey Mustard. That's what I do all day. I sling shrimp. I push prawns. I - nevermind. There may be more alliterative pairings for selling seafood but I don't want to go into it. Turning tuna. *snicker* oh i gotta write that one down.

I work in 2 hours. Fuck. Dammit. I don't dislike my job, don't get me wrong. But fuckonyourface I don't want to go right now. I'm hungry. I don't want shrimp. I don't care that it's fresh. Fuck. I want an egg.

A Response to One "Carter": The blog war is indeed on. We have gone steel to steel, keyboard to keyboard. It seems as though you have emerged the victor. That could be because you know HTML. That could be because you have your own host. That could be because you can make a website in under 2 hours. That could be because you're funnier than I am. That could be because I spend too much time drunk. That could be because I spend way too much time drunk. I'm drunk right now. That could be because I have a problem and the first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem. That could be because you have prettier fonts and now that I think of it, the ability to change and manipulate font at all. That could be because I'm typing in a little box that I could have made in Java class. Dammit blogger.

\But I will not be defeated so easily. Like any good fascist, ahem sorry, freedom fighter, I will hole myself up in a bunker. Like Hitler, Hussein or that Guy with the turban, I will disappear underground...MY MYSTERIOUSNESS WILL THRIVE!!

you cannot defeat me. I am a legend.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Jamie!? Long time no talk. How the fuck you been??? Starting a blog I see. And referencing Java class...nice ;). The more you can make fun of that year, the better. Anyways, glad you and Carter are in a blog war. Way to throw your respective manhoods out on the table and duke it out. But don't stay the underdog. If you wanna take down Carter, you've got to kick the legs out from underneath him. Next time, you need to paste his head on the giant snow dick, even if it's a shotty job, it will show your true intentions.

Get in touch with me so we can catch up. My contact info is in my Blogger profile.