Wednesday, June 21, 2006

the following is a paid announcement

jamie is completely without direction.

actually by jamie I mean me.

and by me I mean my blog.

I mean this blog is without direction.

Everyone else has something to write about. Funny quips and observations, information and odd sections of what could or could not be a narrative. What do I have? Nada, zip zero zilch, less than zero (but not like that movie with Robert Downey Jr.). So in an effort to make this blog worth something, I'm going to find a title and a premise. When I titled this blog "someday this title will be something else" I don't think I should have lied. Besides, I like titles. Hell, I like titles more than I like premises. So henceforth, as often as I feel like procrastination, I will search tirelessly for a title and a premise for this blog so that someday I may write less about getting arrested or my bullshit life or random things that may or may not have happened.

so, for all of you out there in blogtown, HEAR ME ROAR!

ooh maybe that should be a title.

it has begun!