Monday, March 20, 2006


So in case you've never been to Carter's Blog. It's at If you take a look back at the most recent YouTube link about the skiing accident, you will understand the title. A man hits the snow from 15-20 feet in the air...hard. Women are screaming. His limp body slides down the slope to a collective gasp from all of the onlookers. Then when he finally stirs and sits up, what do we hear? "Afro Thunder!"

You can't be serious. If that guy were my friend I probably would "accidentally" spill hot chocolate all over his crotch at the ski lodge. Then I would scream "STERILE LIGHTNING" right in his face, even though that doesn't make all that much sense. But his balls would burn. Then I would send all of his clothes down the mountain at night on a toboggan, grab a megaphone and scream "NAKED PARTIAL CLOUD COVER" at him while he was sleeping. The cloud cover bit is just for the sake of continuity. But then again, I probably wouldn't do any of this. Know why? Cause I don't go skiing, cause its stupid.

It's cold. And wet. The two things I associate least with rest and relaxation. The two things I want to be doing most if I am going to be getting on a plane and spending thousands of dollars on an expensive getaway. Which I will never do. I found out recently that most of my life will be spent in debt. There is little to nothing that I can do about that. I like plays. Money doesn't.

Check Out The Paper Industy - Coming Soon!

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