Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I have reconsidered my previous statement.

I can have a blog. Hell, anybody can have a blog. Not only can I have a blog, since no one will ever read this I can be prolific in my self importance! I can even use words like self important. I mean prolific. Here, just to prove that I am master of my own domain...I proudly present:

A Haiku
by me

whisper on the wind
a leaf falls into a bush
my futility

thank you. thanks. thanks you.

i'm a little choked up.


Accidentally Disastrous said...

oh my god. i am sooooooo glad you have a blog. you could literally just list things that that you did during the day and i would read it, rapt, and weeping.

Lena Webb said...

Brendon, you're soooooooo glad about sooooooo many things!

Go to the Smithsonian!